Ngā Whānau hapū o Whangaroa

Networking for unity

“The value of a network is in the connection of its ties”
Who is doing what, where?
This aspect of the project is where decisions are made and where authority lies in Whangaroa. Whangaroa has a long history as an independent people. In 1835 the declaration of independence conceived of in Whangaroa, “ngā whānau-hapū” refers to the grouping of an INDEPENDENT collective. On this page you will find information regarding the whānau-hapū, local communities, and organisations with participating interests in protecting, restoring and enhancing Whangaroa ngahere and taiao. Plans for developing this part of the Whangaroa Ngahere and Taiao Restoration Project include the forming of members as a structured organisation. Please contact us with your comments.  


Tūī have an amazing variety of songs and can mimmick almost any sound, they are known to have been kept as  pets and taught to recite speeches. The tūī has the first call in the morning, the last in the evening and sometimes just keeps on going under a bright moon. It is an important pollinator and often dominates the ngahere chorus. These attributes signify tūī as representing the networks of whānau-hapū cooperatives within the ngahere and taiao.